воскресенье, 28 апреля 2013 г.

Pleasure Reading Ch. 90-108

Liz couldn’t  deal with herself. Ian made her constantly think about her previous affairs with David and Felipe.   
Gilbert has dinner with Felipe, the handsome Brazilian, nearly every night of the week and spends the majority of the chapter commenting on things she likes about him: the way he listens, the fact that he was faithfully married for some twenty years, etc. 
Liz raised money for her new friend Wayan, who couldn’t afford to keep her shop any more.  But this sum of money is not enough to deal with all difficulties.
Finally, one day, after dinner Liz and Felipe slept together.Gilbert celebrated her 35th birthday Balinese style.
Felipe confesses his love for Gilbert, but asks for nothing in return.  He says he feels it is his job to love her; she can respond any way she chooses.  His biggest concern is what kind of life he can offer her in Bali. Wayan has finally found a property she likes, but the deal fell through. 
Finally travelling to all these countries, to all these plays helped Elizabeth Gilbert to find herself and to understand that love is the most important thing in the world.  

1 комментарий:

  1. Well done!
    ...the handsome Brazilian, AND nearly every night of the week...
    ...faithfully married for (NO some) twenty years, etc.
    ...celebrated her 35th birthday IN Balinese style.
    Mind your tenses!
