четверг, 14 марта 2013 г.

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The article published on the website BBC News on February 1, 2013, is headlined “Previously unseen Vincent Rattray paintings onshow in Dundee”. The article is written by a BBC reporter and tells about a collection of previously unseen paintings by the artist Vincent Rattray are to go on show for the first time.
It’s an open secret that it's a great honor to put many of these paintings on show for the first time. The author quotes the words of Exhibition curator Clare Brennan. She said it was an overwhelming task to sort through such a large body of work. There were a great many paintings in his studio when he died, and he had also gifted painting to family members over the years. When he passed away he left a prolific body of work which was then divided between family members. When we started speaking to the family we realised the vast numbers he had painted. It was quite overwhelming.
Unfortunately, the author of the article doesn’t express his own opinion about the situation. To my mind it’s rather interesting to see the works which have not been exhibited anywhere before.

1 комментарий:

  1. Try to paraphrase sentences, not just copy them.
    …we realized the vast numbers…
    …the words of the exhibition curator Clare Brennan…
